Dolls, Paper Dolls & Toys

Vintage Paper Dolls, Dolls & Toys

Featuring seven band members including drum majors and majorettes and eight sets of clothing. 

1970s Dawn Doll Majorettes Boast Cult Following

1970s Dawn Doll Majorettes Boast Cult Following

Dawn Doll Majorettes Dawn dolls were produced by the Topper Corporation from 1969 until the company filed for bankruptcy in 1972. Despite their brief appearance on store shelves, the dolls gathered a large cult following that still exists today. For example, Dawn Doll...

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Black Baton Twirling Skipper Doll, 1992-93

Black Baton Twirling Skipper Doll, 1992-93

Source: For more information on Black Baton Twirling Skipper (a.k.a. Skipper Madison Roberts), please refer to the post, Skipper Highlight Reel: Baton Twirling Skipper on the blog, Confessions of a Doll Collector's Daughter....

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Drum Majorette Barbie Selfie

Drum Majorette Barbie Selfie

In advance of the new Barbie movie, a Barbie Selfie filter has gone viral on Instagram and other social media platforms. We decided to jump on board with actual Vintage Barbies, Drum Major Ken (1964-65) and Drum Majorette Barbie (1964-65). No doubt, their creators...

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Paper Dolls, 1942

Paper Dolls, 1942

Vintage Majorette and Drum Major Paper Dolls, 1942 Vintage Majorette and Drum Major Paper Dolls, 1942 Vintage Majorette and Drum Major Paper Dolls (Football / Parade) Vintage Majorette and Drum Major Paper Dolls (The Governor's Ball) Vintage Majorette and Drum Major...

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Mary Hartline (1927-2020) + Mary Hartline Doll

Mary Hartline (1927-2020) + Mary Hartline Doll

Mary Hartline was a model and actress who starred in Super Circus, a TV show that ran on ABC from 1949 to 1955. Harline, who frequently appeared in her trademark red majorette costume, is considered television's first sex symbol. Mary Hartline, Super Circus...

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Examples of baton twirling collectibles include autographs, posters, books, periodicals, figurines, jewelry items, patches, buttons, stickers, clothing, toys, games, dolls and other novelty items and all forms of ephermer.

Majorette Memories

We welcome pictures and scans of your vintage baton twirling memorabilia. 

We’ll digitally preserve your memories      in high-quality scans. Thank you so      much for supporting this project.  


Oral Histories

Oral history is the collection and study of historical information using sound recordings of interviews with people having personal knowledge of past events. If you would like to share your personal oral history of baton twirling, please let us know. We are available to conduct interviews every Friday. Interviews will be available on this website. Once a substantial number of interviews have been conducted, they will be presented in podcast format. Nothing will be published without the interviewee’s written consent. Thank you for helping preserve the history of baton twirling. 

Majorette Boot Clipart

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