Baton Twirling Contests, Clinics, Camps


Unfortunately, my friend Kelli who was helping me with the calendar and the Substack newsletter recently had double knee replacement and has stepped away from this project. I never had time to keep up with such a gargantuan task. If anyone out there is interested in helping, please let us know. You can email us In the meantime, I will keep up the old calendar items, but until Kelli returns, we won’t be posting any new events. (I’m sorry.) See links below for other great calendars including TwirlMate, which came on the scene after we launched The Vintage Twirler, and has filled a big need in the twirling world. The calendar by the Sugar Babies is also still active and is great. Also, most contests are posted on Facebook twirling groups such as Baton Twirling – Contests, Camps & Clinics. Thank you to everyone who submitted calendar items!  

Baton Twirling Contests, Camps, Clinics

Welcome to our baton twirling contests calendar. Given that we built this razzle-dazzle website, which we launched on World Baton Twirling Day 2023, we decided to build a razzle-dazzle calendar to go with it. Not sure anyone will use it, but we sure had fun putting it together.  Beginning in May 2023, we will feature contests, clinics, camps and twirler-for-a-day events. This year, we were not able to keep up with all the many summer camps available to twirlers, but next year we will attempt to publish them all in a free guide.  

Other Calendars

The most popular baton twirling calendars are iTwirl (Sugar Babies) and TwirlMate. In addition, USTA features sanctioned contests on their website. Finally, to have your event featured on our calendar please send all the details and any related files or graphics to OR use the form on this page to submit your information immediately.


There are no upcoming events at this time.

Also, Pictures

“If these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it’s this… I was here and I existed and I was young, I was happy, and someone cared enough about me in this world… to take my picture.” –One Hour Photo, 2002

Submit Your Baton Twirling Contests, Clinics or Camps to:

Picture Cutline: Jennifer Sheffield, 16, Tulsa, was one of the contestants in the Miss Majorette of Oklahoma pageant in 1967. (Oklahoma Historical Society)

Oral Histories

Oral history is the collection and study of historical information using sound recordings of interviews with people having personal knowledge of past events. If you would like to share your personal oral history of baton twirling, please let us know. We are available to conduct interviews every Friday. Interviews will be available on this website. Eventually, once a substantial number of interviews have been conducted, they will be presented in podcast format. Nothing will be published without the interviewee’s written consent. Thank you for helping preserve the history of baton twirling. 

Vintage Ephemera

Baton twirling ephemera refers to things like programs, posters, patches, stickers, magazines, newsletters, and other things typically written or printed that were used for a specific period of time.

Majorette Memories

We welcome high-quality scans of your vintage baton twirling ephemera. You can also receive items through the mail. We’ll digitally preserve your memories in high-quality scans. Thank you so much for supporting this project.  
Majorette Boot Clipart

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