All 1960s Blog Posts
Where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the soldiers gone, long time ago?
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards, everyone
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Written by Pete Seeger, 1960; Popularized by Peter, Paul & Mary, 1962
Baton Twirler – Brookefield, Illinois (1950)
A baton twirler perfoms on a baseball diamond at the Kiwanis Park in Brookefiled, Illinois. The year was 1950. She was not identified by the curator. Posted with permission. Source: Brookefiled Historical Society Here is another archive from the Brookefield Historical...
Hollywood Santa Claus Christmas Parade
A majorette sporting a band hat with a large plume marches in the Hollywood Santa Claus Christmas Parade. Exact date is unknown, but it appears the photo was taken during the 1960s. It is part of the Security Pacific National Bank Collection.
The Firettes at Engine Company 8, Nashville, Tennessee (1960s)
The Firettes was a group of championship baton twirlers in Nashville, Tennessee. They won the World Baton Twirling Championship of 1964. These photos were taken at Nashville Engine Company No. 8, circa July 1965. If you know anything about the Firettes please contact...
Majorettes Practicing Formation, 1962
Woodward High School majorettes, Toledo, Ohio, practice formation for a half-time show, 1962. Source: Ohio Historical Society
Majorettes at the All-American Soap Box Derby (Ohio, 1969)
Akron Majorettes performing at the parade for the 32nd All-American Soap Box Derby in Akron, Ohio. The Derby, which kicks off today, July 14, 2024, was founded in 1934. Also, those are the smallest hoop baton we have ever seen in pictures. They're quite small compared...
Baton Twirling Class, Tuley Park Fieldhouse (1963)
An instructor leads a group of girls in a baton twirling class in a gymnasium at Tuley Park Fieldhouse, Chattham, Illinois, circa 1963. Source: Richard J. Daley Collection, University of Illinois
University of Wisconsin, Madison Twirler Pam Albrecht Twirls Hoop Baton, 1967
Twirlers Dressed Like Jail Bird and Cop March with Police Marching Band (1965)
Conejo Valley Days Parade, 1965 | A police marching band is led by two twirlers, one dressed in a costume inspired by prison garb and another dressed up like a member of the po-po. I was so amused by this photo I had to find out if there was any video of this parade....
University of Kentucky Baton Twirlers (1960)
In September 1960, the University of Kentucky "Marching 100" band added a trio of majorettes to halftime performances. The trio included freshman Karen Shields, Susan Mendel, and Donna Wilson. It was the first time the university featured majorettes in the band since...
Remembering Original Silver Twin Sharon Jean (Roeske) (Wendt) Wesch (1942-2024)
The remaining original Purdue Silver Twin, Sharon J. (Roeske) (Wendt) Wesch, Ph.D., died in February. She and her sister Karon made their debut as the Purdue Silver Twins in the fall of 1960. Karon died in 2003, at the age of 60. The Silver Twins were created by the...
1960s Gallery
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1960s Collection
Visit the 1960s collection page to view baton twirling photos from the 1960s, year by year. For example, with one click, you can pick a year, such as 1962, and view all the photographs we have published from that year.
Photo Epigraph
Diane Shelton performs for the troops in Vietnam, 1966.

Diane Shelton was an accomplished baton twirler who toured Vietnam with Bob Hope’s USO shows in 1966. William Harrell was stationed in Vietnam and serving in the 7th Surgical Hospital (MA) at Cu Chi, Vietnam in 1966, when he photographed Shelton twirling for US Troops. It was Christmas Day.
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When you donate $5 a year to the Vintage Baton Twirler you’ll receive a free sticker for your car, laptop or water bottle. Thank you for supporting this project. It has been a huge undertaking and we are so happy to be doing it.