The 1970s

1970s Baton Twirling Photos

Long long time ago, I can still rememberHow that music used to make me smileAnd I knew if I had my chanceThat I could make those people danceAnd maybe they’d be happy for a while…

From Don McClean, American Pie, 1971






1970s Gallery (Images Only)

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Atlanta, 1972

October 12, 1972

President Richard M. Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon greet young majorettes on the campaign trail during a parade in Atlanta, fall 1972. The tiny majorette in the top photo is Rachel Lane.

Picture The tiny majorette in the top photo is Rachel Lane.

Oral Histories

Oral history is the collection and study of historical information using sound recordings of interviews with people having personal knowledge of past events. If you would like to share your personal oral history of baton twirling, please let us know. We are available to conduct interviews every Friday. Interviews will be available on this website. Once a substantial number of interviews have been conducted, they will be presented in podcast format. Nothing will be published without the interviewee’s written consent. Thank you for helping preserve the history of baton twirling. 

Vintage Ephemera

Baton twirling ephemera refers to things like programs, posters, patches, stickers, magazines, newsletters, and other things typically written or printed that were used for a specific period of time.

Majorette Memories

We welcome high-quality scans of your vintage baton twirling ephemera. You can also receive items through the mail. We’ll digitally preserve your memories in high-quality scans. Thank you so much for supporting this project.  


We Need Your Help

This is an ambitious project and we need your help. Send your pictures and stories to New content will be posted every week, so check back often. Thank you!

Majorette Boot Clipart

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