These 1970s majorettes are clad in quintessential baton twirler gauntlets, tiaras, sequin body suits and tall white boots. This costuming was on trend for the era. Oh, the memories! These twirlers were members of the Luther Judson Price High School Majorette Squad, Atlanta, Georgia. They gathered...
1949 All-Western Drum Majorette Queen Marilyn Watson In 1949, Marilyn Watson won the title of All-Western Drum Majorette Queen. As such, she led a four-hour parade during the 9th Annual All-Western Band Review, Long Beach, California. More than 5,000 musicians in 84 bands representing the Navy,...
1973 Over the last several years, we have spent countless hours researching the history of baton twirling and gathering up stories. Along the way we’ve noticed that men are often the first to share the most historic majorette and baton twirling photos of women. These rare and iconic pictures are...
Check out our latest lovely photo restoration! This is Carol Lites in the 1970s during a photo shoot at the park district where she learned to twirl baton. Isn’t the long fringe on her costume great!? We love it. All of us here at the Vintage Twirler miss chainette fringe! During her...
Happy Fourth of July! Here is a special treat for everyone. On July 4, 1978, the 11-year-old Illinois Boys Baton Twirling Champion performed on Bozo’s Circus. The show aired on WGN, a local Chicago station. It was preserved by The Museum of Classic Chicago Television, also known as Fuzzy...
Happy Fourth of July! Majorettes were made for Independence day parades and patriotic costumes! We love this photo of the Sacramento High School Majorettes from 1943. Their hair is curled, their hat fringe is festive, their American flags are held at similar jaunty angles – it’s the 1943...
Strathroy Boys and Girls Trumpet Band The Strathroy Boys and Girls Trumpet Band was formed in 1938 in Stathroy, Ontario, Canada. Ieleen Smith, who was nearly 7 feet tall, was the drum majorette. With her plume hat she was nearly 8 feet tall! SOURCE: Strathroy and District Historical...
The above photo features world champion drum majorette Betty Louise Atkinson surrounded by a group of police officers during a parade in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Police Department sponsored the event, which took place on July 9, 1937, and drew 40,000 spectators. Photo License: Creative Commons...
E.J. Campbell High School (Nacodoches County, Texas) Drill Team poses for a picture in front of the school, 1954. Click here to learn more about this picture.
Robert Olmstead was a band leader and early instructor in baton twirling in the United States. Born in California in 1915, he grew up performing in vaudeville shows. He played multiple instruments and became a highly skilled twirler who twirled batons on slackwire. In college, Olmstead...
Smith-Walbridge Camp was founded in 1949 in Syracuse, Indiana. It was the first camp of its kind to host a variety of clinics related to high school and collegiate bands. This included camps for cheerleaders, baton twirlers, drum majors, color guards and marching and concert bands. Original...
Tarboro High School Majorettes were a favorite photo subject of the late photographer Milton Steele Brown (1884-1967). Milton Steele Brown (1884-1967) moved to Edgecombe County, North Carolina in 1912, to build a Coca-Cola bottling plant. An avid photographer, he photographed many subjects...