The Legends of Baton Twirling

Top Baton Twirlers, USA

In addition to our decades collection, we are building special collections including this collection of top baton twirlers from the United States. Since we are just getting started, the collections below are only partially complete. We will add more twirling events as time permits (solo, 2-Baton, etc.) Those with red stars have content. Send pictures to

World Champions

Working on this section. It will be ready soon.

Famous / Distinguished


Twirling Unlimited

Individual Features – Top Legends

Please assist us with this project by sending information and pictures to Thank you! We are a small operation with only two volunteers and thousands of stories to record. 

Rosemary Schwebs


Rosemary Schwebs was the first Miss Majorette of America in 1947. She was a championship diver and swimmer who turned down offers from Hollywood so she could finish high school. She is 93 and lives in Southern California.

Picture Source: Menasha Historical Society. Photo by the Peter C. Jung. 


Recorded Histories

Oral history is the collection and study of historical information using sound recordings of interviews with people having personal knowledge of past events. If you would like to share your personal oral history of baton twirling, please let us know. We are available to conduct interviews every Friday. Interviews will be available on this website. Once a substantial number of interviews have been conducted, they will be presented in podcast format. Nothing will be published without the interviewee’s written consent. Thank you for helping preserve the history of baton twirling. 

Majorette Boot Clipart

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