
Memorials are given to remember someone who is dearly departed.

Publish a FREE and memorial honoring someone who has impacted your baton twirling journey. This could be anyone including a former coach, student, teammate, twirl mom or dad, friend, etc. Each memorial is featured in a dedicated post and may include letters, pictures and/or videos.

Thank you for allowing the legacies of those who have gone before us live online and inspire others to give.


Tributes honor the living. They can mark special occasions like “just because”, contests, wins, World Baton Twirling Day, a birthday, graduation or retirement, etc. Honor those who are still living with a special tribute. Each tribute is a dedicated post and may include letters, pictures and/or videos, etc. Tributes are FREE; however, if you’d like to help us offset the cost of this project, you can make a small donation via VENMO.  

Do you know someone we should interview for an oral history feature? Send us an email,

FREE Sticker

When you donate $10 a year to the Vintage Baton Twirler you’ll receive a free sticker for your car, laptop or water bottle. Thank you for supporting this project. When you give, please be sure to send us your address so we can mail you your sticker!

Majorette Boot Clipart

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