
1990s Baton Twirling Photos

“I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of
And I wish you joy and happiness
But above all this, I wish you love

Re-recorded by Whitney Houston, I Will Always Love You, 1992

Daley Debutantes

Founded in 1955, by the late Sherry Daley  (1939-2020), the Debs made their first public appearance in the West Allis Fourth of July Parade. Since then, the 100+ plus members of the Corps have become a familiar sight at Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Fourth of July, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and Christmas parades, as well as the South Shore Water Frolic, St. Francis Days, Irish Fest, West Allis Western Days, Wisconsin State Fair, and Milwaukee’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in the Southeastern Wisconsin area. Today, the Daley Debutantes are the oldest, largest, and most celebrated baton corps in Wisconsin.


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