1930s Majorettes & Baton Twirlers

1930s Baton Twirling Photos

“In the late 1930s the “majorette” made her debut,.when band directors decided to increase the audience appeal of the marching band by adding a baton twirler or two. The role became so popular that high school girls all over the country wanted to participate. Shorter, lighter batons continued to developed for the rash of feminine twirlers springing up.”


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Would you like to help us?

We are building an archive of baton twirling photo collections from 1920-2000. This is an ambitious project and we would love to have your help! Send your high-quality pictures and stories to info@vintage-baton-twirler.org.

Photo Detail: 1930s Bakelite Majorette Hat Pin

Photo Detail: Colorized Image of Rita Phillips, 1939

Oral Histories

Oral history is the collection and study of historical information using sound recordings of interviews with people having personal knowledge of past events. If you would like to share your personal oral history of baton twirling, please let us know. We are available to conduct interviews every Friday. Interviews will be available on this website. Once a substantial number of interviews have been conducted, they will be presented in podcast format. Nothing will be published without the interviewee’s written consent. Thank you for helping preserve the history of baton twirling. 

Majorette Boot Clipart

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